

Making use of the art of mind speaking through writing and photography… the MD (just a name, not a profession) way.


Registered Nanny

Volunteerism is Philanthropy.

Be Hands On!
Back Cover

For the nth time, I make a visit in this famous bookstore in a mall to kill time while waiting for mom. At the same bookshelf I used to drop by, I saw this book about volunteerism… I get hooked upon that ‘volunteerism’ word and find myself picking and reading the back cover of it. To my surprise, I saw the name of one of the people I look up to. Well, I am not surprise since that person had been engage on many advocacies and outreach programs.

Reading upon that person’s part on the book, it began to awe me

Chris Tiu's thoughts about Volunteerism.

about the learnings caught upon the experiences this person shared. We have the same thoughts that through volunteerism, we tend to give and share our God given talents to the needing, and in the end of the day, we realize that we are so blessed and reminded that we have to be more grateful for what we have and where we are right now.

But we’re different in some ways though, this person gives beyond best. How I wish I’m like this person named Chris Tiu. 😀

I admire what he said about on the teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola, that ‘to give one’s life for another is the greatest gift one could give’. That explains the offering of myself for 9 months (well 10 months actually, the 10th month was not counted. Drat!) and 3 months, that’s technically more than a year, right?

"to give one's life for another is the greatest gift one could give"

The idea of volunteerism had become the ‘holy grail’ of my RN career. I learn to patiently do my work beyond those paid staffs, a shock absorber of the ones I handled and keep in mind the teachings of the new knowledge acquired.

To be honest, I must be accepting a minimum wage for that noble work?! Maybe it’s still not the time for that. So I always end-up consider volunteering as an act of charity work, but in a professional and respectful term, a philanthropist. HaHa! That keeps me from doing the job close to perfection… an ego booster if you ask me. 😀

Well, that’s for now… hope and pray that a big break comes in my way.

Effective today it expires. At least in some occasions I felt like I am a full pledge dot… dot… dot… 😀

Others say that I may take it as my advantage as one of my eligibilities. And yes they were right so far. 🙂

And for a moment (while typing this Tumblr post…), I NEVER FELT MY PARENTS WERE DISAPPOINTED and even made them inspired after all. 🙂

I wonder if they sense that euphoria when they first heard the news? Oh never mind. 🙂

‘I had a BLAST?!’, words to describe in conclusion of (quite long) philanthropic semester. I’d learned so much to them especially the universal and ‘overused’ clichés ‘patience is a virtue’. Well I must say I had lots of those, and I used it well as an inspiration to embrace this kind of experience.

On the lighter note… I’ve lost at least 2 or 3 kilograms. Thanks to these staircase which will always reminds me that ‘it’s not an easy step to climb the stairways of success, be prepared as one of the price paid is losing weight, don’t stop dreaming and believing.’ At least a lesson learned for this know-how chapter. 🙂

Thank You and May God Bless San Lorenzo.

I deserve this treat for this worth my tiredness from ‘all in a days work’. WHEW?! But I think it’s kinda digest faster than I thought after that on the spot Q and A (which I’m grateful as that fed me up with a bit of knowledge) at least I am not a ‘CHICKEN’ for that instant. HaHa.

– All in a days work, July 3, 2011

Labor Day’s Unsung Heroes.

Not all angels have wings… RNs are one of them.

Charity work… as defined by me as a Volunteer RN means ‘The Labor of Love’. Given the acts of working for free is much of like a professional martyr, or perhaps nearing to sainthood. All the sacrifices, hunger, multi-tasking, exhaustion and self-pity from all in a day’s work can be ease when somebody says ‘Thank You’. That alone is very rewarding on my part when these people appreciate the efforts done for them. The satisfaction on that feeling of fulfillment is an enough price for somebody who’s worthy… ME?! One of the world’s ‘Unsung Heroes’. 🙂

Working without pay for a productive learning experience is the price I have to suffer. The supply of RNs in the country is overwhelming compared to the public’s needing demand. Sadly, the government has an under nourish and ailing reforms and programs in the Philippine’s caring field. And much worst, parents are still insisting their children to take up BSN instead of asking them what course they want. I must say, it’s a waste of money when it comes to education investment. The future for nurses is still under construction, problem is… when will it be finished?

That’s the reality of an unemployed nurse’s life. After finishing studies, I don’t know where to start. I don’t have any game plan to succeed and until now, that’s my problem. I don’t know how to trust myself in this long journey as an RN crusader… what will happen to my career in this battlefield of caring? On this moment, I don’t know what I am doing here, same goes to I don’t know myself. =/

A sad commemoration of Labor by myself, I am an unsung hero of my generation. I am a benefactor of ‘The Labor of Love’ to others, and in return, I can’t even love myself. I’ve been immune to the tiredness of my philanthropy work. When will God repay my goodness in the name of His glory? Upon writing this… I am still asking to God the same old prayer… that He gave me a stable job that would last a lifetime. Amen.

The job description of this year’s Labor Day’s Unsung Heroes… better not to be hospitalized!

An April Fools Treat

March 31, 2011 an SMS was sent to me to report tomorrow for an afternoon orientation and mind you it just gives me the chills of trick. I can’t believe that I was scheduled for an orientation after I failed my exam and didn’t do well on my interview. It’s the will of faith if you ask me… surprising?!

April Fools, the day of the orientation. 5 of us arrived, 7 where texted for the orientation. What just happen? Then here comes the one conducting the orientation. She seems strict and a bit outgoing. And so the orientation begins in a simple get to know each other ambiance. Afterwards, she told us if we were  dead serious about this volunteer thing and willing to go all through out for the next 3 months, but somebody back out after knowing that he has to report in other healthcare commitments in the field of PDN. The rest of the remaining four was asked again if we are decided to continue and the 4 says yes?! and that marks the first half of the orientation… the initial psyche for the new comers. =/

The Background taken May of 2009

Q&As become the structure of orientation, we kept asking questions and she fearlessly answer them all with some convictions I should say. But I get too disappointed when I read the scope of the program I was in. It was too far from the other institution I was previously trained in. and to sum it up… it SUCKS?! A WASTE OF EFFORT?! MUCH MORE A TIME RUBBISH?! Well, I still don’t have to underestimate it… let’s see what this institution can do to improve my skills and grow as a professional.

We take a tour on the building and I realized it was too small compare to the one in Sta. Maria, Bulacan but it was more organize far from Sta. Maria, and I realized, it’s not bad at all. 🙂

So the orientation adjourned reminding the date and time to report to start in our program and we’re done. Having a bit adjusted and culture shocked but I can get through this. After all what matters is the experience I can attain from this charity work. May God give me strength and wisdom for this to carry on and may I be His instrument for this mission… SO HELP ME GOD?! 😀

P.S. Happy April Fools Month?! 😀

May God Bless Saint Mary

Supermanhood MD survives Saint Mary

The thought of a new beginning for my RN career would make my dreams come into reality, turns out to be a disaster of some kind. Being professional on the boundaries of this former exploiting and nearing-to-be employer was like a living nightmare. The promise of two weeks volunteer is an initiation, 14 days of work interruption all bound to confession room discussing flaws notice by Big Granny who is watching you (the institution’s Big Brother homologous). Lucky enough to survive in 2 weeks, but the real struggle is just about to start. Good Luck.

From the staffs employed (exclude the owners and its cronies) some of them were really nice, some were user-friendly type with a bit of kindness and some were just rude and ego-centric (the Alpha wannabe species).

This experience makes me realize on what scale will I be able to adjust and adapt in some cultures. When will I get that ‘stability’ (I mean for a permanent job) as a lifelong RN career. And how long do I patiently wait and find for that?

P.S. So help me GOD on this. =/

The Nightingale Soldier

This week, in celebration of ‘The Nurses’ Week’ – under the Proclamation No. 539 dated October 17, 1958  the President of the Philippines designated the last week of October every year, beginning in 1958, as Nurses’ Week (credits to page 141 of Professional Nursing in the Philippines, Tenth Edition by Lydia M. Venson, RN, MAN, FPCHA and Ronald M. Venzon, RN, MAN). And to that note, I created this blog post as my very own tribute to the Nurses here in the Philippines, who dedicate their lives in providing a quality tender loving care for the Filipinos. (I ‘MEAN’ to all ‘NURSES’ who knows the word compassion and care beyond self.) 

October 22, 2010, I saw this message circulating in one of the famous networking sites…

 “Somewhere right now a nurse is getting yelled at for being late with pain meds, while holding her bladder because she doesn’t have time to pee, starving because she missed her break, being pooped/peed/bled on, and is missing her family while taking care of yours. In the minute you took to read this, nurses all over the world are saving lives.”

… and after reading this, I PAUSE. REFLECT. THINK. then I notice myself smiling, and just said to myself, “Does this nurses exist in the real world?”

The Philippines is having a surplus of RNs, twice a year PRC is producing thousands and thousands of nurses, but only few were able to practice the profession, as what the saying goes, “Many are called but only few are chosen”. I have nothing to do about it but instead put a deep sigh… =/

Though there are some who really wants to pursue their calling (but in the first place it’s their parents calling for them to become a nurse. HaHa?!) – For they don’t want to waste their 4-year hardship way back their BSN days, the newbie RNs decided to enter the real ‘public service’. And it’s by way of lending themselves to make use of their knowledge and skills through the hospitals’ ‘volunteer program’.

And yes, they gain the experience and might as well improve their skills, but can this be a ground for exploitation? Perhaps these ‘volunteers’ also know how to sly to exploiting acts. I think so? HeHe. 😀

At to some extent, RNs can be in grave danger. The news about an RN in Mindanao became a victim of rape, and the sad news is that she is a ‘volunteer’. Florence (not real name) gained a national sympathy to the nursing community in the Philippines after revived from a previous traumatic incident that probably will change her life. Florence do saves lives and promote health, know look at her, she suffers the pain done by unidentified inhumane monster who in just one snap of the fingers hinder her plans in life. May this be the first and the last tragedy that could happen in an innocent life saver. RNs saves lives not the ones being saved.

The Nightingale Pledge, an oath sworn by a successful examinee before the members of the BON. An excerpt of this traditional vow says…

‘… will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling…’

… a statement that shows that at any cause, ‘the priority is the patient’. And this is a sacrifice for every RNs in this country. They are providers of care for others and at the time of their duty they have to be present both physically and emotionally with mental aspects as well. It is their compassionate instinct that drives them for the efficiency of their works despite all odds that may arrived.

I hope that there are Nurses posses the virtues of Florence Nightingale. Looking back on the history of her life, she leave what she all has to pave her way in a path where people who suffer and dying for illness, a woman who offer herself most especially in The Crimean War. She’s more of a saint, as she do heroic deeds day by day during her time. A woman called by God to be His faithful servant to uplift the broken spirit of His weak people.

To end this post I live this qoute…

A therapeutic nurse masked its true feelings inside but shows a sense of ‘it’s going to be alright’ or ‘you’ll be okay’, and throws a big but calming smile for you. – anonymous

OTTO Shoes on the racks…

There’s a size that fits for you. O_o

EmO_o Sobers Up... (//_O)

I remember that moment when a weird instinct strikes my mind, out of nowhere, that the word ‘OTTO’ has a bad impression for me. To get straight to the point, it is something to do with a certain respiratory disease called tuberculosis, freaky right? O_O And so that weird instinct of mine was right regarding that word ‘OTTO’, a term that needs to be watch out for, being careful and alert of the defenses needed before going there, at that place… that separates from the others, and face the toughest thing to encounter so far. That is, entering the territory that brought the strange intuition… The ‘OTTO’ Ward.

During my DJNRMH days, it is a requirement to bring sputum samples of the suspected

There's a story behind this storyline... mind to check it out. Komiks! 🙂

TB patients there at OTTO Ward. Once detected of having such diagnosis, patient immediately transfers out there to avoid further transmission of the disease. I had to admit that stepping around the perimeters of OTTO Ward is an obstacle needing to jump over to pass that sophisticated boundary, fighting for fear, I guess? 🙂 Covering my nose every time I walk in front of that building or put my mask made of small fabric, clean gloves when handling sputum caps and my stored immunity as my barriers of protection whenever I deliver samples.

And the time came in as I was assigned to render my free-of-charge caring service to the

O (^_^) vs X (T_T)

humble and welcoming quarters of OTTO Ward, unlike other wards, not a single electric fan has placed in and aside from that, fluorescent lamps are on at night, (I’m in the graveyard shift by the way. :D) maybe to kill the bacteria is the reason, I think. 🙂 On my first night, I felt a bit anxious as I struggle on a piece of five sterile compressed into one every time I interact with the patients. It was about on the 2nd week of May after I got to used my N92 mask. It was very useful in this kind of case scenario. 🙂

SOON!!! I'm gonna be a STAFF to_O!!!

We used to have long hours of rest during our night shift, but there are times where we’re awake to monitor the status of the more compromised patients. It was very hard for me to witness those times when we can’t do the impossible things to alleviate their suffering, the only way that I can offer to them is my prayers to give them more

i-plus the toilet! 😀

strength to fight for their lives and for the benefit. Though sometimes I meet trials to test my management of dealing in difficult situation that became my ups and downs, which eventually the lessons I’ve learn in the end of the day. 🙂 Oh its what life has to tell me over and over again, understand so much things happening day by day in circles, one way how the Big Guy sends out his message. 🙂

at the Top of the World looking…

Phone Cam Memories above the Water Tank way back Lenten Season. 😀 A nice and great feeling while chillin’ under the surface of the earth… it feels like HEAVEN… 😀

moments looking beyond the streams…

What an unexplainable feeling… being on top of the world and all that?! The feeling of flying and temporary escaping from the real world… being free (much better than living in a Democratic state. :D) and going with the flow while staying on top like the idea of floating above the grounds and reaching the skies of heaven like a welcoming kiss of serenity. 😀

April of 2009 was one of those unremarkable ‘together again’ with some circle of friends and the other different

still in the tower

faces. It was a penitence in commemoration of the Catholic Church’s ‘HOLY WEEK’. We (me and my companies) got to do the famous ‘Station of the Cross’ in the famous Lourdes Grotto Shrine, location, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines. 😀 It’s a famous landmark, and for some Catholics to visit the Lourdes Shrine every year, kinda like a tradition in the name of ‘FAITH’. 😀 Speaking of the Lourdes Grotto Shrine, FYI, the architecture layout of the sacred place, the church, was mimic to the famous Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral which can be found in Lourdes, France. 🙂 According to those who have known the stories, the owner of the land where the shrine was build had a promise to himself that he will build the same church he had seen after he saw the cathedral in Lourdes, France on that day he visit that place way-way back in the past. 🙂

Going back to my top-of-the-world experience, like what was mentioned earlier, it was started in month of April 2009

Duggie is EmO_o

where we get to visit the Lourdes Grotto Shrine. Next stop was to a colleague’s place as we spent the remaining hours of that day. It was different from other ‘out-goings’ I’ve attended in the past. Maybe I was more like adjusting my social life after jumping in a new trend of hanging out… meaning adjusting from the previous to the present attendings, something to that extent. 😀

As that time goes by… we decided to visit the whereabouts of a certain tank as some of us get curious to it after knowing its existence. 😀 And so we head our way towards that mini skyscraper-ish tank. When we start climbing up to the tank’s top, it freaks the inside of me as I climbed to its rusty steps. SCARY… O_O But it the fear factor moment was paid off after we’re arrived on that spot…

looking forward to upcomings…

the site where the heaven and the Earth were apart from each other

the space where a drift from nowhere can be a slight relief of pain

and a sweet escape from the reality equation

a far beyond self meeting an unexplainable phenomenon

the blowing is a glowing music from extraordinary instrument called nature

a the freedom of all freedom the humanity seek an expedition 😀

I don’t know if someone who’s reading above poem understands its message, but my very own poetry gives the details of straight from that person witnessed to stand on that point… and that is ME. 😀

Pedo Philes :D

Staying up late at night is a heroism for others… that’s what the calling want’s us to understand. 😀

too lazy to serve free

The Knights of Pedia, watchful in the deepest silence of the darkness. Provide the necessary elements of care for the wounded health of the youngsters and fight their current ailments. Crusaders at night, an ordinary at daytime, that’s what the graveyard shift is all about.

We, the babysitters are indulged in safeguarding every child in any kind of approaches holistically. 😀 An oath to God and a duty to execute before Him… a purpose to live by in every single living of our lives.

Every situation is a challenging work for adaptation… things that I remember when I first have my official assignment in the world of Pedia. It was overcoming every end of the shift, a relief that the kids are all in calm and relax state after giving the appropriate attention. Sometimes, I felt so sad about what these kids are going through. At their age, they have to enjoy their life without any worries for the point of a real childhood happens only once in their entire growing life?! Can’t imagine the trauma and stress they feel much more doubled in the part of their love ones. The kids don’t deserve this, if only they are well cared and monitored enough.

Looking at the other side, I don’t blame the parents of these cute and cuddly kids. I try to understand and put myself in their perspective. There are some certain factors why things went wrong in the first place, and here I am, at some point of my philanthropy career, wants to extend my helping hands to them, but these restrictions hinders me… if only I am the ever richer RN (registered nanny) to give the immediate things ASAP, but no… I am just ‘a nobody’ giving my all and very best to save a life. O_O

Night Life.

Reality check… waking up in the morning of reality bites, but praying for the betterment of each and every one of us especially the kids. 😀

Addendum: Though sometimes we don’t get to work in our assign task, we decided to make our time productive by changing the decorations of our working station. That’s an improvement anyhow… 😀

Surgie Nights (Z_z)

There is a ‘life’ in the graveyard. 🙂

Team TongKe-lite’s journey up to the Top Rank Position (The Regional Edition). :)

Weeks had passed after that euphoric drive runs in the system of each and every one who participated in this HATAW ’09 thing. It maybe a ‘big deal’ for some hataweros and hataweras to win that glory after what the numbers had showed with regards to the expenses they had invested plus the required attendance for that killer moves to get their feet on beyond the expectations. With the full loaded meals the Kitchen Section had to piled up every weekdays for the past 6 weeks, the support of Mam Connie and the other Superiors as well and how can they haven’t forget to mention, but of course, the NTs who give that ‘helping hand’ for them from the very beginning to the props crafted by Propsman hiding in the instincts of some, as Pep Squads with the Cheerleaders of course, and even PAs to assist the crap out of their costume. With all that production?! Who could ever thought if they’ll gonna win this? HeHe! Having realize that there’s such a thing going on in this institution, I got so left alone to think that I’m someone to left by (well not all the time?! HaHa! Kidding! :D) being under the high of floating toxicity but can manage to handle it with the help of my co-NTs and the competent staffs. 🙂 Anyway, the people involved there was able to finish their hours of duty before hitting there under the roofs of Training Office. 😀

From 8 am to 5 pm of constant practice making it close to perfection on the strict instructions and graceful but bouncing moves of Sir Tots, the Team was definitely put into rigid training physically and maybe some emotional grips of control (is there a such? HeHe!) to put their mind set to winning. So why the heck I, in the latter, was involved here? To make the story short, they are gathering some manpower to accomplish the 25 PAs each was given an assignment to serve their masters. 😀 HaHaHa! What an incredible but fun task. 🙂 It was I think on the 23rd of the Love Month, 3 days away to the competition, when Claudette and her gang pulled me out in the OPD to be part of the crews plus other OPD NTs as well. As assigned to be the assist of Sir Budz as helping him put in his stuffs on and of course to Sir Andy who was one of the first to perform on their separate numbers, I have to do it fast but relax, and not to put under pressure to the whole team. At first, our nerves were out of our conscious authority (what the? HeHe!) yeah, I mean come to think of it? We’re having a short time to practice (for the NTs only), to think that it’s only a dress rehearsal? But things were very possible in God’s time when Sir Tots had to cut the movers on a certain part of the song to have themselves enough time to dress them up. 😀 Problem solved! To polish things on its finest, we have to work out our actions more quickly in serving our ‘Masters’ while ‘they’ have to do their thing in putting some bounce and that ‘sardonic’ I mean ‘social smile’ on their apathetic face! HaHa! Joking! Peace Out! 😀 So not just cheering, but we, the NTs, have to encourage them to smile even if it’s already tiring on their behalf. 🙂

All was set on Friday, February 27, 2009. For the PAs we have to wear black, T-shirt and Pants, or anything darker like what the marshals wearing in the UAAP Cheer Dance Competition. We assemble at Training Office at 5am. While waiting for the others to arrive, Migs and I have decided to drop by to Nursing Office if the others were there but it wasn’t happen when Mam Connie had to do some favour. HaHa! Volunteerism at its finest. 🙂 We leave the place at around 6pm with Claudette, Gwen, Edmar, JL, Mam Jenn, Gladys, Roxanne, and others with Sir Ron and his wife. On our way to San Lazaro, the host for this year, laughing gas was escaped which is why the trip was not bored. Caught the attention of the people in the road as the ambulance’s alarm had to make some noise and take advantage of it making our engines in the fast and the furious status. HaHaHa! It was so cool that the first ambulance (were Mam Connie and some of the staffs and the one we are following) had to made its way to the other opposite part of the highway to get rid of the traffic at NCBA with the WANG-WANG of course, with the maximum volume. HeHe! A very eye catchy disruption made, we have to send them with a wave putting some bits of good times. HeHe. Racing on the road before hitting Litex was an on the spot pictorial session care of Migs! HaHa! It is when our diesel and their ambulance came across so close enough to take some pics while both vehicles were in motion. 😀 A problem arise when we got stuck on Riverside, Brgy. Commonwealth after passing the Marikina Terminal! WASAK! We thought that it was just a common problem which can be easily resolved but when it keeps on and on, so we have to wait there hoping that it will be fix. I go down just for a sec to lighten up my stiffing feet and to breathe some fresh polluted air in the vicinity. Sir Ron on the other hand had to be a traffic enforcer for the day to manage the flow in the road. The attempts to start the four wheel drive were not successful that’s why the 3rd placer slow ambulance on standby rescue the 9 of us (the PAs only) leaving Sir Ron and his wife together with the driver. The journey continues in the ambulance packed with people unease in their uncomfort zone. HaHa!

Arriving at the venue at 9am, where all other contestants chillaxing and loitering on the vicinity of San Lazaro Hospital. I was amazed by the ambiance of the architectural coined in the Spanish era. For me, nothing has changed on the whole buildings to think that it’s my first time to step on that place. HeHe. It was so nice, classy and the preserve by the past and present administration. I think San Lazaro is a good example what the was the life of our ancestors during the 1500s. 🙂 Cam Moments has been a part of the daily routine of the NTs as we are all inborn ‘photogenic’! HaHa! We do capture some of the selected sites in San Lazaro, like the Unisex CR, which is a unique way to exercise equality for both sexes. 😀 The glass wall of the office of the Secretary of Health which has a mirror effect we definitely once get a glimpse of our whole body picture, 😀 and of course the home where real stars our born. 🙂

Mr. Megaphone man suddenly call the attention of the different parties to park on their respective groups for we’ll going to have a parade only half of the circumference! HaHa! The walk begins the opening of the HATAW ’09. With the groupies of KSPs, HAHA, we throw a cheer to boom them with nervousness! HaHa! Just to make the opposing troops little scared. 😀 The parade ended on the stage where each of the Top 11 will showcase what they had in stored to us.What a surprise when Mark Logan was there whose gonna cover the event. Waiting for the others to finish their turn were the Team Tongke-lites waiting to unveil their grand prize winning number. HaHa. Looking at them, they were all confident on their seats that they will bring home the title. While the 5th group were doing their presentation, we, The PAs, were setting the materials on both sides of the Hataw Stage. I quite nervous that time, maybe I’m just overwhelmed by what the audience had to expect but I don’t really care! HaHa! Why should I bother! I’m not part of that contest! Come on! HaHa! Kidding. And the time has come to judge what was the Team had cooked on that day. The music was played and I felt a slight trembling in my system, maybe it’s the effect of Milo’s caffeine but I really didn’t care the heck at all. Thank God that He puts me into focus that day. 😀 The intro was started then after that Sir Andy was went inside our cubicle so as his PA, I had to dress him so quick to reach on the mark of the allotted time. Sir Andy goes out and here’s Sir Budz come in, and so here I am putting his stuff in. Now it’s Sir Budz turn and for the second time Sir Andy came in to remove his coconut thing on his knee. Sir Budz gets in finally after his part and wait for the girls to finish their belly dancing part. Me and Gladys had to light the candle in a toxic way to meet the time for their ‘cool down’ which we did without a fail and so it was done. Remove all the things used and just put them temporarily on both sides again to put no hassle on their last performance, when the time they were crowned as “CHAMPION”?! 😀

PAs had to left just for awhile to eat our launch. 😀 HaHa! That was a long wait before we had to satisfy our craving tummies. HeHe. With a Steak, Chapsuy and the very generic Rice as the meal for that day wrap on the styro, the kids had definitely love the taste the Dietary Department has to give. 😀 with Zesto as a plus. We go back inside to finish the whole program. It’s funny how the organizers had to incorporate the exercise which makes the crowd dance follow the video and the dancers as well on the stage. 😀 I can’t see myself dancing on those cheesy novelty songs but believe it or not, I just did. 😀 HAHA! What a persuading charisma Gwen had cast. 🙂 Having some fun that day, Roxanne and Claudette made a duet of the three songs which was very old fashion but doing their own versions the songs sounds lovelier compare to the original artists. But the hilarious part when somebody caught our attention when the groovy beyond the hataws was shaking that booty on the dance floor. It is indeed a highlight of that day! Thinking it alone makes me giggle. 🙂

The long wait was over! Atleast for the impatient young ones, HeHe! The verdict was going to announce anytime soon! So we’re all keeping our fingers cross for our beloved DJNRMH, but were expecting to go home with the title though we have to be down to earth despite of the obvious results. 😀 Yes it is! We went home taking that trophy and the honour of being the # 1! HAHAHA! Victory is definitely for us. Big Thanks to God who the main reason why it was happened. 😀 I wonder why the enemies didn’t make a protest after we had won. Maybe they were shocked and blown away by the ‘production number’ we made. HeHe. 🙂

So we head towards home with a very uncomfortable position again. 😀 Poor Roxanne as she tried to survive on her seat after Sir James had to go down on HIWAY and transferred in front to let her butt breathe enough on the right space. 😀 We’re all wasted that afternoon as we all slept while on the road. We head down on the intersection of Malaria Road and Quirino Highway and left us there. To wrap this up, I was just screwed on the way home when I forgot that it was our last day at OPD and the OPD gang were throwing a party that moment! WASAK! What a crazy day to end this post.


The Batangas XP, An out of town escape.

I’ve never thought that I’ll indulge myself tripping to a group and get off from ‘soberness’ even just for a day. 🙂 I didn’t imagine that my 400 box was slipped over the hands of the organizing team to add it in the budget. 🙂 Some may think it’s a small amount but for me, that’s an overflowing grand coming from a self proclaimed ‘kuripot’. HeHe! 🙂 Looking at the brighter side, it may cost a lot of penny but for the sake of enjoyment and a relaxing vibe free from any torture the world has to give in exchange of a chillaxing breath-taking moment, I shouldn’t fail to grab the opportunity like these. But of course (as what Gee has to say. 😀 ). For a couple of times, this topic has been the objective of most of the forums and the prime skit in the overflowing drama, definitely it is final, were off to Batangas. 🙂 WHHIIH?! 😀 Nothing really hinders Claudette that through the spirit of will power, she can make things fall beyond her control. HeHe! I wonder if she’s using witchcraft or some sort of magic on this? 😀

It was really set?! It’s not only a joke like we use to throw back and forth when we’re gathering in a conference. But indeed a reality! Yes it is?! All was set to action as what was started from scratch was played into a reality. I open my YM and here comes in the IM of Claudette. I’m quite wasted from what we had on our way back from San Lazaro but when I read what was her message, I just realized that she’s freakin excited for it?! 😀 I smiled from her message not realizing that I didn’t turn off the computer and get napped for about 30 minutes. Anyway, it’s a short time to wait the machine to run for a quite long. 🙂 I’m off to bed after the computer shuts down not being prepared my stuff to bring on the next day. Without further reason of coming late and to fix my things, I set my alarm clock timed at 3:30am. Sleepy head was into deep slumber when he got realized that it’s 4:30am. So I have to move fast like the speed of the wind to be there close enough on the said scheduled but it’s not what I was expecting. HeHe! I get there at the waiting place and saw Kuya Ian, Bonn and Armando chatting. Waiting about a little, Mam Ana arrive with her promised of snacks (two plastic bags of junkfoods) which she didn’t break. We left ‘The One Stop Shop’ store at 6:30am (on Jen’s time). Definitely the blame was not put on my back but to Jet who arrived just on time for the sunrise. 😀

Off we go to Batangas?! Some of us were down a little bit but for the girls (You Know Who You Are?! 🙂 ) still becomes unstoppable in flapping out their insanity which makes the jeepney filled with laughing gases . 🙂 We got to swing momentarily to Tandang Sora to hooked up Sir James as the last one to join in escapade. Then we’re finally speed up to get there fast. But the trouble of might getting lost buzzed our worry free feeling. We have no idea where we going except for the map that Claudette googled and of course Claudette herself who have been there for about a year. So we’re all have to be attentive and alert as we search for our destination. A wrong turn were an example for us first timer people who divert our focus from other things, I guess this was the reason why we haven’t recognized that were not in the right path. Instead of going to Calamba Exit, Manong Driver get straight ahead after turning left from the expressway. But still with the help of the map and Dora, the Explorer, we’re still through on the race :). While in the road, and having that camera as included in the list of must haves for an outing like this, picture takings of every captive moments has been always a hobby of the friendster uploaders. 🙂 It was a great opportunity to meet other personalities as Gwen bring two of her girlfriends, Claudette also bring one and Jet whose always had to backed up by her wife. 🙂

It was a long hours of driving, so we had decided to stop by on a gasoline station to grant the call of nature’s request for some of our ‘biyaheros at biyaheras’ for we’ll go straight ahead on our expedition. The private diesel continuously drives its way to the endpoint. Drive… Drive… and Drive… while on its 10 vs. 10 passenger seats were travellers doing their own thing like what their used to do in a long voyage. On the other hand, Sir James and Dex were having some of their party groove when they heard the beat of Tam’s mp3 playing on the speakers below their seats. Head bangingsounds for rockers like Me and Gwen were also part of the playlist as we all sang on the songs of Parokya ni Edgar. Then Claudette proclaimed that we’re now close there which means that the thoughts of infinity lining on the road were going to end by a dot and few seconds away, were nearly going to get off our seats! Then we all saw the blue sea waving its surf curves as a welcome greeting. Party mouth Francis shows his feedback responses on that warm teaser the coast had given to him. 🙂

The long wait was over?! WUUU-WHOOOOOOH?! At 11:30am we landed to the shores of San Juan. Claudette, Migs and Sir James have to leave us for awhile as they’ll going to search the base of the castaways. Tourists chill for a sec after ‘checking in’ to the ‘bahay kubo’. 😀 All the hungry people were got snapped realizing what Tam has to complain about something, and it’s the ‘super kalan’ (unsure about if it’s the right term for that cooking equipment? 😀 ) Many attempts were made just to start up the fire but no examinees succeeded. 😀 HaHa! Good thing that rice cooker was there to save the day. 🙂 But we can’t ease the hunger of our starving tummy so we had to grab the food on the table quickly to satisfy our stomach with the very Filipino breakfast Scrambled egg, The Tomato version, Longganisa and the very generic rice. Claudette had to announced that the styro-plates and plastic cups should be saved for it will be the same utensils that we’re going to use when we eat again! HaHaHa?! 😀 So the maid had to wash the dishes to make it clean. 😀 After fixing ourselves, we start to cook the Sinigang.

Some of our companies were captivate by the wonderful and amazing paradise made by God, the fact that their camera lens have to picture the place they perceived as impressive. 🙂 I love the brownish white sand and the clear blue waters that pushes some forceful wave big enough to play with its surfs. There was a high tide that time so the water was beyond its shore line level. Overflowing of excitement! Some of us had to go all the way and feel the nature’s splash of saltwater. In the kubo, Tam was slicing some sweet ripe mango for us to have some plunge of mango shake. The mango cravers have some seed parts as their pre-taste before the session begun. 🙂 A Toss to the goodness of friendship, the blessing showered down and the dream which turns to a reality. Majority left the nipa hut to swim… swim… swim… and swim… The light dims little by little as the sea calms and the waters low down, rocks were seen on the shallow part of the sea floor. I manage to picked some coral-like stones which I brought home as a remembrance from our stay and for the purpose of giving my Dad’s mini pond pets a Batangas sea memorabilia. 🙂 The sunset marks the time for a pictorial session under the ‘director of photography’ Migs. We supposed to have a silhouette photo but the light of the setting sun didn’t suite the required amount for the camera to do such. And so we’re just click the camera button to make the most out of it to make that memorable day documented digitally. 😀 The night sky leads us back towards our home base, it’s time to cook our food (roasting Tulingan which Edmar puts something on it, maybe the fault must be put to Quickfire for that 10 minute kitchen wonder. 😀 ) for dinner and afterwards have some simple night-out.

Can’t get enough of the issues?! Each of us having a different personality, we’re all might subject to some compromised things that might occur. Like what the ‘bikini girls’, I think not all of them where got pissed for some reasons which I don’t want to put in here, after all the essence of this blog is to share thoughts that may give further knowledgeable anecdotes, which in particular how a certain trainee deal life when it comes to the professional field of caring, which I guess learned while reading this. So guys, just leave it there. I remember a saying which goes a little something like this, “Whatever happens in Batanags, stays in Batangas” (maybe all of you were familiar about this famous quote? But the topic of this post is about Batangas right? HeHe. 😀 ). Maybe this quote will put a borderline for the people whose part of the escapades to remain silent and put themselves to right to privacy to avoid sparks of understanding. We’ll it’s up to you guys (all of the participants of the San Juan out-of-town) if you want to divulge it. You might risk yourself in danger, I mean in a confrontation then having misunderstanding which eventually create enemies later on. HeHe?! Are you threatened? I’m just reminding you. 😀 Don’t take risk if you want to open the ‘pandora’s box’ when you’re in doubt.

We packed-up our things at about 4am on the morning of the 1st day of March. We decided not to extend our stay for some personal reasons and besides, we don’t have enough budget anymore. HeHeHe?! 😀 We ride on the Jeepney not having peed or brush our teeth for there’s no water since midnight! No choice but to leave the place and went home! 🙂 On our way back home, all were get slumber again. Twilight is passing by as I woke up. Upon realizing we’re not moving, I found out that Manong Driver had to repair the extra wheel just in case if we accidentally had a flat tire a back up can be a restore. I have to go down to stretch my legs for a while before Indian sit again on my sit. HaHa?! I had a hard time there huh! 😀 While the others had to eat puto bought to Manang Street Vendor. And our travel continues… Hours of driving… Sleeping… Looking at nowhere… Stopover… Picture-pictures… Driving again… Driving… and Driving… Edmar have to go down at Heart Center for some reasons I do not know. The first castaway to go home. HeHe?! Then others say their goodbyes and left one by one. And Me the author of this post is the last sole survivor, the winner, who had to step out. 🙂

It was an unforgettable experience; I had fun living just for a day in the seaside. Looking at the faces of the adventurers they’re all have a great time. Lesson of the story, “nothing has to stopped somebody who wants to have fun…” kill joy sucks all the way on their own suck-fest. 😀 (Sorry for those who were hit by this phrase. HaHa!) To wrap this up, on behalf of the Volunteers and friends who join the San Juan treat. TWO-BIG-TANGO to the organizers! It was definitely a BLAST! And to Claudette, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU from your NSN and Circle of Friends Family. 😀 (this post is subject to proof reading. HeHe! It’s too long kasi 😀 Just leave a comment for the desired editing, we want to hear it from you. 😀 )

The Capture…

Photos under the artistic hands of a boy named ‘Russel’.

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